Hi all, Please check out this full-time job opportunity to be an administrative assistant for the Pacific Medical Administrative Group. PMAG Job-Description-Administrative Assistant 8.22.18 PMAG Job-Description-Administrative Assistant 8.22.18
MSMP Pulse Fall 2017: General information, resources and contact information
Aloha MSMP mentees! Attached you will find the Fall edition of our MSMP newsletter. This edition is focused on providing everyone with some resources so that you can all start to plan your pre-medical journey. A couple words about the newsletter: Its super long, we know! There is no need to finish it all quickly, and some…
Specialties Seminar Photos!
Check out our photos from our 2017 Specialties Seminar that took place on October 11, 2017 by clicking the link below: https://photos.app.goo.gl/MECo1gdlBavc7dN92
MSMP Mixer Photos!
Check out our photos from our 2017 MSMP Mixer that took place on September 24, 2017 by clicking the link below: https://photos.app.goo.gl/nVn3BjU9fzZ9S4Ai1