MSMP Application Opens
Applications open for mentors in Late July-Early August and mentees in August
- input basic mentor/mentee preferences or requests
- input your information
MSMP Mixer
- Meet with prospective mentees and mentors
- Able to request any mentor/mentee at the mixer
- If mentor or mentee is unable to attend meeting or does not have requests, the mentor/mentee’s application preferences are used instead
MSMP Board’s “Pairing” Meeting
- Entire MSMP Board meets for one business day (meeting spans between 8am-5pm)
- MSMP Board considers each application individually and reviews preferences
The following factors are considered:
- Mentor/mentee requests and preferences (requests for specific individuals, mentor/menee attributes, specific interests, etc)
- Demographic information (place of residence, hometown, high school, college, etc)
- Major/minor in college
- Interest in specific programs (ex: Imi Ho’ola)
- Field of interest (interest in research, pediatrics, surgery, etc)
- Year in school
Pairing finalized
- Match list sent out to mentors and mentees
IF mentor/mentee is unsatisfied with their match
- Mentee/mentor is free to report problems with pairing at anytime
- MSMP Board will send a mid-year survey (December) to determine if any matches need to be changed
- MSMP Board discusses the case at length
- MSMP Board will make best effort to find new match for mentor or mentee