Want to experience how medical students learn at JABSOM? Find out by joining us for our PBL Demonstration Workshop! We encourage anyone who is thinking of applying to JABSOM to attend this workshop. Understanding PBL and how it works will help you in your application and interview process (and may help you decide if JABSOM is right for you).
Where? JABSOM Medical Education Building, 3rd Floor.
When? Saturday, 1/23/16 at 10:30AM
Description: This workshop is intended as an introduction to the Problem-Based Learning format used by JABSOM and a handful of other medical schools in the nation. The current agenda is as follows:
- Intro to PBL (10:30AM)
- Small group breakout session: What better way to learn PBL than to practice it? You will be split into small groups to work through a sample PBL case. There will be 1-2 medical student tutors there to guide you along the case.
- For anyone who has already been to a PBL demo, this will be an entirely new case, so we encourage you to attend even if it will be your second or seventh time.
- Lunch (12:30PM): After you are done with the case, feel free to ask the medical students any questions you may have regarding PBL or medical school in general. There will also be a short mixer following the break out sessions. Food will be provided.
Please arrive on time/early, but if you cannot make the introduction section for any reason, please let us know as we would still like you to attend!
RSVP here (by 1/20/16): http://goo.gl/forms/IJhbDrSzi9